As We Were - Luton 1926-1976

1926 - 1976 , Luton (Bedfordshire)

A compilation film celebrating Luton's 50 years as a municipal borough.

The event includes a parade through the town and dancing and gymnastic displays by over a thousand school children. In the same year there is a visit from the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII). The celebrations for the Silver Jubilee of King George V in 1935 feature community groups, a carnival parade, a cricket match, a water cannon fight, a motor bike 'destruction derby', a fairground (complete with orchestra and couples ballroom dancing), and a firework display. The newsreel for the official opening of the town hall by the Duke of Kent in 1936 shows some of the architectural detail of the new building. In 1941 the Mayor of Luton launches 'Luton Warship Week' in a stirring appeal, using superimposed rolling text over a background of the iconic new town hall. A newsreel from 1948 records the sombre crowds watching the memorial parade honouring members of Luton's police force who lost their lives in WW2. The Coronation year of 1953 sees the town hall and centre decorated with bunting and flowers; stages and seating are erected for outdoor performances. There are thanksgiving services in a church and the city centre. Children perform country dancing and there is a swimming gala. A large scale pageant, 'Merrie England' is performed by a lake. A parade, a fairground and fireworks complete the celebrations. 1960-62. Shots of the old, cramped and crowded Central Library and its transfer to the new, purpose-built facility. There is an official opening by HM Queen Elizabeth II, accompanied by HRH Prince Philip, who meet local dignitaries and inspect the new building. 1964 marks the awarding of County Borough status - a road sign shows the new crest. Tree planting, parades and fireworks celebrate the occasion. 1960-1974 illustrates the pace of change in Luton as old structures are demolished (the Grand Theatre, cooling towers, shops) and new ones rise up (multi-storey car park, offices and residential tower blocks); the site of the old market is moved to the new Arndale centre. The 1976 Centenary year features a cycle race through Luton town centre and street celebrations.

Featured Buildings

Vauxhall Motors; Bedford Trucks; Offices of the Luton News, Pictorial and Telegraph; Luton Arndale Centre; Luton Town Hall; Luton Central Library (old and new)


Anniversaries; Celebrations; Libraries; Police; Royal visits; Opening ceremonies; Pageants; Town planning,


1. 1926. The Town celebrates 50 years as a Municipal Borough. 2. Luton's Jubilee - The townspeople celebrate the anniversary of incorporation with procession of Emblematical cars, and a varied programme. 3. Chief Constable Albert Scott, Marshall-in-Chief with Members of the Borough Police Force. 4. Mayor (Alderman Wilkinson) and members of the Corporation, lead the Carnival cars. 5. The town's car 6. British Legion Car 1914-1918 7. The staple trade - 1826 8. At the Memorial 9. Miss "1926" 10. Physical exercises by 1000 school children 11. Country dancing by 1120 school children 12. Luton's Jubilee Mayor - Alderman A. Wilkinson, J.P. 13. 1926 A visit from HRH The Prince of Wales 14. 1935 The Silver Jubilee of King George V. 15. 1936 Official opening of the Town Hall by HRH The Duke of Kent 16. The Duke of Kent at Luton - Biritsh Movietone News 17. 1941 World War II and Luton launches an appeal for a Warship 18. 1948 Memorial parade of Luton Police 19. Pathe Pictures presents Police Memorial Parade at Luton 20. 1953 Local celebrations to mark the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II 21. Thanksgiving Services 22. and the Celebrations 23. School Sports 24. Pageant - Merrie England 25. Luton Parades 26. 1960-62 Building a new Central Library 27. 1964 Luton receives County Borough status 28. 1960-74 Impressions of the changing face of our town 29. Luton 76 A Century of Municipal Progress 30. The End. The Support of the Eastern Arts Council is gratefully acknowledged in the production of this film.

  • Sponsor : Eastern Arts Council


As We Were - Luton 1926-1976

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