Nearly New Town (Harlow)
1982 , Harlow (Essex)
Cat no. 5010
BBC documentary examining social developments in the new town of Harlow.
BBC documentary examines the history and social development of the new town of Harlow in Essex, and featuring interviews with the original town planner, community leaders and residents, as well as archival footage spanning four decades. Conceived in 1946, the 'new town' of Harlow was destined to provide adequate futures for those residents of London heavily affected by the Blitz. A central feature of this film is an interview with architect and town planner Frederick Gibberd, who begins by outlining the history of the plan to fit Harlow within the existing landscape, and provide a 'balanced town' to allow for the integration of all kinds of people, living in all kinds of houses. Archival footage announces Harlow as a 'young peoples town', where children are free to play without risk of traffic, and where well-equipped and modern schools are closely related to their neighbourhoods. It was also envisaged that Harlow would allow residents to live and work in the same area, with factories linked to residential zones by cycleways free from motor traffic. Archival vox pops suggest that it began with mixed success, and so this mixed success continued. Current residents are interviewed, with a wide range of views about life in the town. Many of the younger residents feel that there is not enough for them to do, and older residents complain about social problems on housing estates. With Frederick Gibberd constantly defending his town, many community leaders are questioned about problems of spirituality, employment, and the adequacy of housing. The film concludes with Gibberd maintaining that he believes the town still works, as archival footage harks back to Harlow's happier beginnings.
Featured Buildings
Harlow Town Hall; St Andrews Church Hall, Harlow; Harlow Market; Clark Hill Estate, Harlow; Bishopsfield Estate, Harlow; The Lawn tower block, Harlow; Harvey Shopping Centre, Harlow; St Paul's Church, Harlow
Local government; New towns; Social History; Town planning; Urban development
Producer : Mike Purton
Editor : Karen Heward
Production company : BBC East
Nearly New Town (Harlow)
Category: Non-fiction
Genre: Documentary / Portrait of a Place / Television
Locations: Harlow (Essex)
Work Type: Television
Description Type: monographic
Related to: Changing Places
Related to: BBC
Subject: town and country planning / housing estates / new towns / housing / Frederick Gibberd
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